Common Mistakes in Bridge - Free Lessons
In this popular course, Tina McVeigh will guide you through the most common mistakes she has seen her students make again and again over the years and teach you how to avoid making them yourself.
In this popular course, Tina McVeigh will guide you through the most common mistakes she has seen her students make again and again over the years and teach you how to avoid making them yourself.
In half of all bridge hands your side is defending. There are great gains to be made by improving your defence and it is all about gathering information and putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Join Pam for this free introductory defence course and find out why defence is her favourite part of the […]
As declarer in bridge, it is so important to come up with a plan before playing a card from dummy. The first step after the opening lead comes down will be to count your winners & losers.
You don't have to be a master pastry chef to make a delicious cake: you can buy a box of Duncan Hines and do what it says on the back of the box. All you need is the ability to follow instructions and some basic general knowledge. Squeezes are the same way. We don't need seven-tier wedding cake skills; we need to be able to buy a box of cake mix and follow the directions.
Scoring may not seem to be as fun or interesting as the card play and bidding, but it can be vitally important to our tactics. Knowing the scoring can help us decide whether it's worth bidding higher, may change how we play our contract, and can even help us decide whether it is worth bidding a contract we know will go down!
Continuing her popular series of Common Mistakes in Bridge, Tina McVeigh will guide you through the most common bidding mistakes she has seen her students make again and again over the years and teach you how to avoid making them yourself.
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New! Already included for members of Adam’s Monday class: Join the class to save. Knowing when to sacrifice is one of the trickier decisions in bridge. It’s also essential to know what to bid after your opponents have sacrificed. This includes the infamous Forcing Pass. Sacrifice contracts can present unique problems to both declarer and […]