Welcome back to Learn Bridge Online!
We’re glad to have you with us. Below you can access your live lessons, recorded lessons in the Lesson Library, & your class pages where you can ask your teacher bridge questions.
New to LBO? Please watch a welcome video from Bajir to get a tour around the site.
Please continue to your class page by clicking here.
This week, please join us for any of these lessons!
- Monday at 9:30am, UK time: Takeout Doubles with Jack Stocken
- Monday at 10am, NY time: Penalty Doubles with Adam Parrish
- Tuesday at 2pm, NY time: Drawing Inferences from the Bidding & Defense with Curt Soloff
- Wednesday at 11am, UK time: Takeout & Penalty Doubles Review with Jack Stocken
- Thursday at 9:30am, UK time: Reverses with Bridget Rampton
- Thursday at 5pm, NY time: Responding to 1NT with Marla Lawson
To join live or watch via replay, use the different class buttons below.
Thank you for being part of Learn Bridge Online!