Learn Bridge Online Membership

$40 every 4 weeks with 1 week free trial

New lessons presented every week for all experience levels & bidding systems. Start watching dozens of lessons right away! Choose or be matched with one of our fantastic teachers. Join live online lessons, explore the Lesson Library, make new bridge friends, & ask your teacher bridge questions on the Members’ Page. Already know which teacher you want? Click here.

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Member benefits include:

  • New online bridge lessons every week, live or via replay
  • Ask your bridge teacher questions on the class page
  • Explore the library of recorded bridge lessons
  • Free & discounted member events & play sessions

We have bridge lessons for all levels & bidding systems.


How does membership work?

  • First, start your new trial membership for free and immediately gain access to our large library of hundreds of recorded lessons taught by all of our teachers as well as new live lessons presented every week.


  • Once you fill out your Learner’s Profile and we will personally match you with one of our stellar teachers so you can ask your teacher bridge questions and receive personal replies.


  • Already know your preferred teacher? Just let us know in your Learner’s Profile and be matched right away (you can always transfer to a different teacher in the future as well).

  Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out via the Support Widget in the bottom left corner of the website or by emailing hello@learnbridgeonline.com.  

Recommendations from our students:

Curt is one of the most thorough, thoughtful, well prepared teachers. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about bridge and always goes deeper into the subject matter more than expected. And he has a good sense of humour! He answers questions well and patiently no matter how complex or not. Very happy pupil.” Karen B., USA
Marla Lawson is perhaps the most cheerful and encouraging teacher I have ever learned from. She has a nearly inexhaustible supply of patience and always makes her students feel as if they will succeed no matter how many mistakes they might make. Combined with her knowledge of the game, these traits make her the ideal candidate for teaching bridge to beginning players.Jim S., USA
“I have enjoyed the classes and having the Monday morning session set aside for joining has been helpful to me in that I could diary that slot. I have picked up a lot of tips from Jack and my regular online partner, (who is a better player than I), has appreciated my improvement! I have already recommended your site to many.” Jane S., UK
“I LOVE Adam’s online lessons. I truly can’t suggest anything that would make Adam’s lessons better. Adam’s classes have been so worthwhile. Adam puts a lot of thought into how he presents the material and has an amazing way of breaking things down so that they are understandable. I truly do love his lessons. Babs G., USA
“I have very much enjoyed the bridge learning experience with LBO. The classes are well structured, the teachers are great, and the technology is fantastic.” Emma S., NZ
“I did last week’s lesson and watched the video over the weekend and I also watched the video from the week before. Well ……. I played bridge today and I could already apply something I learned!! Adam’s style of teaching is excellent. I really like the way he walks you through how to think about/approach the hand and gives you his “wisdoms” or some playing principles along the way. I can see myself playing a lesson more than once – I need the repetition to get it into my head “permanently”!). I wish I had signed up for these a long time ago.” Lou Anne G., USA
“Living in a remote Scottish area it is very difficult to find good teaching and opportunities to learn. LBO has been wonderful! Jack is a superb teacher and knows how to explain bridge clearly and simply. The availability of the replays and notes is a real bonus. I recently started following Graeme’s sessions as well and love his style. He shares his expertise in such a great way – rather than a lecture, he questions and challenges and makes you think… My bridge has improved much, much more than I expected. But also, so has my fascination with bridge!” Rosanna R., UK

Additional information

Experience Level

Beginner, Improver / Intermediate, Advanced

Bidding System

Standard, Acol, 2/1


Jack Stocken, Adam Parrish, Marla Lawson, Curt Soloff, India Natt, Bridget Rampton