Sacrificing Quiz

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  1. 1. We are in 4S non-vulnerable and NOT doubled! Our opponents could make 4H vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down at most for a good score?

  2. 2. We are in 4S non-vulnerable and doubled. Our opponents could make 4H vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down at most for a good score?

  3. 3. We are in 6S non-vulnerable and doubled. Our opponents could make 6H non-vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down for a good score?

  4. 4. We are in 5C vulnerable and doubled. Our opponents could make 4S vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down at most for a good score?

  5. 5. We are in 7C non-vulnerable and doubled. Our opponents could make 6H vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down for a good score?

  6. 6. We are in 5D vulnerable and doubled. Our opponents could make 4H non-vulnerable. How many tricks can we go down at most for a good score?

  7. 7. We play in 3C undoubled and make 7 tricks. Our opponents could make 8 tricks in 2H. Which of the following statements is correct?

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