Alert or announce? Is that different when playing online? When can I ask the opponents questions about their agreements and if so, what? How can I protect myself from being on the wrong side of a ruling? And what on earth is the stop card for? If you have ever wondered any of these things, this is the course for…
New! A comprehensive course on one of the most misunderstood bids, 2NT. In these 14 lessons, Adam Parrish will teach you about 2NT, Jacoby & Jordan, Scrambling 2NT, Unusual 2NT, Lebensohl, and more. Join either of Adam's weekly classes, The Expert Thought Process or Thinking Through Declarer Play, to access these lessons for free.
This course is suitable for players of any system. By the end of this course, you will feel much more comfortable when you are playing with and against GiB: another tool to help you practise your bridge!
In this course, you will learn the basic structure of bidding in bridge: how to open, respond and rebid with the most common hand types; and what the aim of the whole thing is! You will also get the chance to learn a little bit of competitive bidding: basic overcalls.
In this course, you will learn the basic structure of bidding in bridge: how to open, respond and rebid with the most common hand types; and what the aim of the whole thing is! You will also get the chance to learn a little bit of competitive bidding: basic overcalls.
New! We've all learned lots of bridge "rules": third-hand high, fourth from your longest and strongest, new suit by responder is forcing, etc. Unfortunately, there are no hard-and-fast rules in bridge, and each of these rules has exceptions. We're going to look at some of the most common "rules" and their exceptions. Join Adam's weekly class, The Expert Thought Process…