Are you ready to take your bridge to the next level? Memorization of key concepts in bridge is unavoidable, but for players to ascend and truly improve at the game, developing your thought process is essential. Curt employs a teaching style designed to highlight and grow that thought process and keep students from relying too heavily on rules and rote…
So many rules. Have you noticed, too, that they often seem to conflict each other? Let's understand the rules instead of simply knowing them and accept that in order to follow one rule we might have to break another. When we understand the rules we play with confidence. And besides, they're not rules. In each lesson, Bridget will introduce a…
Jack Stocken is one of the UK and Ireland's most respected and popular teachers. His weekly lessons present organized and helpful guidelines we can use to elevate our bidding and card play. Take part in a new interactive online lesson each week. Ask and respond to Jack’s questions in real-time. A library of recorded lessons is available to all members…
Last call!!! 30% off your first 12 weeks! Discount will be applied automatically at checkout. In our most advanced class for experienced players, join Adam Parrish in bringing your bridge to the expert level. Every lesson is an interactive experience: Adam encourages questions. Each class is recorded, so you can watch even if you can't make it live. A library…
Last call!!! 30% off your first 12 weeks! Discount will be applied automatically at checkout. In each week's 90 minute session, Adam guides us through each hand, sharing the thinking that can help us improve our declarer play. There's not always a right and wrong way - that's not how bridge works. The focus is on how we think about…
"The defining factor in the progress of a bridge player is the ability to use and grasp one tool: the cuebid." Join Curt for a set of lessons designed to make you comfortable with the most common cuebids and grow your bidding capability exponentially in the process. Free for members of Curt’s weekly class. Join here with a free trial…
We like it when we are able to open the bidding, but don't we all like having a little more? Extra strength? Wild distribution? Yet, some of those powerhouse hands can be challenging to bid. Learn Bridge Online and Curt Soloff are here to help! In the spirit of Halloween, LBO brings you MONSTER HANDS, a four-week series on bidding…
New! A comprehensive course on one of the most misunderstood bids, 2NT. In these 14 lessons, Adam Parrish will teach you about 2NT, Jacoby & Jordan, Scrambling 2NT, Unusual 2NT, Lebensohl, and more. Join either of Adam's weekly classes, The Expert Thought Process or Thinking Through Declarer Play, to access these lessons for free.
This course is suitable for players of any system. By the end of this course, you will feel much more comfortable when you are playing with and against GiB: another tool to help you practise your bridge!
New! We've all learned lots of bridge "rules": third-hand high, fourth from your longest and strongest, new suit by responder is forcing, etc. Unfortunately, there are no hard-and-fast rules in bridge, and each of these rules has exceptions. We're going to look at some of the most common "rules" and their exceptions. Join Adam's weekly class, The Expert Thought Process…