Opening Leads with Pam Livingston


The opening lead has a big impact on how the hand proceeds.  Should we think about No Trump and Suit contracts differently? After carefully considering the auction we select which suit to lead – but which card?

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Already included for members of Pam’s class. Register for these four lessons below or join the class here and gain access to Pam’s whole lesson library.

The opening lead has a big impact on how the hand proceeds.  Should we think about No Trump and Suit contracts differently? After carefully considering the auction we select which suit to lead – but which card?

All members of the class are able to:

  • Attend new interactive live lessons every week
  • Can’t join us live? Watch the replay at your convenience for six months
  • Receive a lesson worksheet & playable hands created for you by Pam
  • Ask Pam bridge questions via the class forum

Included Lessons:

Week 1:  We’ve picked which suit to lead – which card?
Week 2: Opening leads for no-trump contracts  
Week 3:  Opening leads for suit contracts 
Week 4:  Putting it all to use at the table


About the Class:

Thinking, enjoyment and thinking some more.  My teaching style is to develop your game by encouraging you to think and understand rather than learning by rote.  Bridge is all about making good decisions and I aim  to give you the skills and the confidence to make those decisions.  But we play bridge for enjoyment right?  So let’s have fun too.
These lessons are aimed at intermediate players wishing to improve their bidding without making everything too complicated.  You will be comfortable that you have the basics of bidding mastered and are ready for the next step.